Nostalghia (1983) is one of the late films by Soviet writer and director Andrei Tarkovsky starring Oleg Yankovsky, Domiziana Giordano and Erland Josephson.


Its production differs quite a lot from Tarkovsky’s earlier works, not only because it is his first film directed outside the Soviet Union, but also because he could additionally draw on financial reserves provided by Italian State Television and a French film company near completion. Most of the scenes were shot in Italy using picturesque locations in northern Lazio and Tuscany with the latter also being the main place of setting within the storyline.


The plot revolves around the Russian writer Andrei Gorchakov and his travel to Italy. He aims to research the life of Russian composer Pavel Sosnovsky, who used to live in a villa in the Tuscan countryside and committed suicide shortly after his return to Russia. Accompanying him on this journey is Eugenia, his Italian interpreter, who makes no secret of being attracted to Gorchakov, but gets rejected. (more…)